12 Essential Reasons to Avoid Estate Chaos: Guarantee Your Legacy’s Security

Writing a Will for many people is delayed because of apprehension, a lack of understanding on how to go about it and what to include. However, for those with significant assets, businesses, and families to protect, creating a Will is essential for peace of mind. 

At The Legacy Wills Company, with over 25 years of experience in estate planning, we understand the importance of a well-structured Will. 

Here are the top 12 reasons why writing a Will is crucial for safeguarding your legacy.

1. Naming Guardians for Your Children

A Will allows you to appoint Guardians for your dependents. 

Without it, this critical decision might be left to the Courts, potentially leading to outcomes you wouldn’t have chosen. 

2. Wills for New Parents

For new parents, a Will is vital to ensure children are financially provided for, with specific allocations for education, hobbies, or future financial security, like buying a home. 

Trusts can be set up to manage these funds effectively.

3. Providing for Dependents and Stepchildren

Without a Will, stepchildren or other dependents you care for may not automatically inherit from you. A Will ensures that these loved ones are included and provided for according to your wishes.

4. Protecting Your Unmarried Partner 

For unmarried couples, a Will is critical. Without one, your partner is not entitled to inherit anything from your estate, which could have devastating consequences, especially if they are dependent on shared assets.

 5. Safeguarding Your Family Home

If you own your family home, a Will is necessary to ensure that your loved ones can continue living there or benefit from its value, especially if they’re not automatic inheritors under law.

6. Minimising Family Disputes

A clear and legally valid will can prevent familial disputes and legal challenges, which can be emotionally and financially draining.

 7. Minimising Inheritance Tax Liabilities


Effective Estate Planning through a Will can significantly reduce the inheritance tax burden, ensuring more of your wealth is passed on to your beneficiaries – and not the taxman.

 8. Updating Your Will After Major Life Changes 

Life events like marriage or divorce necessitate updating your Will. 

In England and Wales, marriage invalidates previous Wills, and divorce doesn’t automatically revoke the terms of a Will.

9. Appointing Trusted Executors

Through your Will, you can designate trusted Executors to handle your estate, ensuring your final wishes are fulfilled. 

Understanding their roles in advance is crucial for smooth execution of your Will.

10. Caring for Your Pets

Your pets are part of your family too. A Will can outline provisions for their care, including appointing a caretaker and allocating funds for their wellbeing.

11. Protecting Your Digital Assets

In our digital age, assets include online accounts and digital purchases. 

Your Will can ensure these assets are managed according to your wishes, including the handling of personal data and social media profiles.

12. Charitable and Political Party Donations

Leaving a part of your estate to charity or a political party can be a way to support causes close to your heart and potentially reduce inheritance tax.

How we can help

A well-crafted Will is more than a document; it’s a testament to your life and decisions. 

It protects your loved ones and ensures your assets are allocated as per your wishes. The absence of a valid Will can lead to unintended consequences, family conflicts, and increased tax liabilities. At The Legacy Wills Company, we’re committed to guiding you through this vital process with expertise and care.

Don’t leave the future of your assets and loved ones to chance. 

Contact us at The Legacy Wills Company for tailored advice and expert will writing services. Book an exploration call and let’s secure your legacy together.

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Client Testimonial

“Having seen John of Legacy Wills present at a property event, it was clear he had both the breadth of knowledge and experience and also the ability to make a very dry subject both understandable and engaging. That’s a tough call when talking about Wills, Trusts and death. John produced Wills and POA’s for myself and my wife in a timely, effective and reasonable manner. I have subsequently recommended him to numerous colleagues and friends to cut out the jargon and challenges surrounding this critical protection, which is too often deferred or neglected.”

Dan Norman